Sunday, December 25, 2011

Injections to Lose Weight - HCG Shots For Weight Loss

Lose Weight

Are you looking for the Injections to Lose Weight? Thinking about whether hcg shots for weight loss?

HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone produced during pregnancy. Years ago, researchers studied HCG injections as a possible weight-loss aid. Results of most studies weren't promising, however. In fact, it seemed to be no more effective than were placebos in promoting weight loss. Today, the injections are primarily used to treat fertility issues.

If you'd like to lose excess weight, focus on the basics. Take an honest look at your eating habits and daily routine. Then make a commitment to improving your lifestyle. Enjoy healthier foods, and include physical activity in your daily routine.

Maybe you have this experience: you exercise, you eat less,...but your weight is still not as you wish. Then I can recommend you to enhance your effort and effect...It exist more safe methods than Injections to Lose Weight...Read about my experience...

I am from an extremely obese family (average person 150 pounds overweight)....

I am 5'3", 115 pounds, and 16% bodyfat. This is no coincidence. It took me lots of hard work, and a whole lot of discipline.

My first steps were:

1) exercise less when I did (yep, you read that right - I found that if I exercised 15 minutes a day in the beginning, I was excited to go back every time - it was EASY)

2) increased my exercise time when "i felt like it" b/c I was enjoying myself. this is positive reinforcement for exercise.

3) split my meals in half - then wait 45 minutes and eat the second half if I was still hungry (many time, I wasn't)

4) served myself on smaller plates - I heard somewhere this works - I think your head just tells you you are eating too much when your plate is stuffed.

5) told people around me that I was going to lose weight - this held me accountable.

I hope this helps. Avoid to take Injections to Lose Weight

Maybe you have this experience: you exercise, you eat less...but your weight is still not as you wish. Then I can recommend you to enhance your effort and effect...

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